Sunday, April 19, 2015

Why FibroMyNormal?

Why Did I Start This Blog?
Recently I've thought a lot about how more and more often people are telling me they wonder if they have Fibromyalgia, have recently been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, or know someone else that has Fibromyalgia. Still, not everyone knows what Fibromyalgia (Fibro) is, how it affects your body, or how it affects your life and relationships. So, I thought why not put together a blog sharing about Fibro, my experiences, and perhaps I'll eventually have others contribute as well. :)

Why Choose The Name FibroMyNormal?
Several years ago, a dear friend shared how she encouraged her grandmother, who was struggling with some issues that arise with aging, in thinking about her situation as the new normal and striving to be content where she is in the moment. As she shared this story with me I realized this was a piece I was missing in my thinking about Fibromalgia. Fibro can be an up and down journey with plateaus where you could stay for a few days to a few months.

Rather than remaining frustrated, angry, or discouraged, I just need to remember that this is normal for now. I have more on this here.

Who Am I Writing This Blog For?
I am writing it for me. I'm writing it for you. I'm writing it for your friend that just got diagnosed, or your family member that wonders if they have it. I'm writing for the friend that doesn't really get it, the spouse or significant other that gets frustrated by it, and the child that is affected by it. I'm writing it for anyone and everyone. Some posts will apply more to some than others, but I hope overall that those reading it will be encouraged by this blog.

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